The Develop Curriculum Pathway bridges both play-based and semi formal learning to provide more time for pupils' development needs to become evident. Many children with special educational needs have spikey progress profiles meaning their destination after reception year is not always apparent. At Wood Bank we pride ourselves on adapting our curriculum offer to meet the needs of each pupil and this pathway encourages them to grow and thrive at their own pace.
Pupils on this pathway are likely to achieve 'Pre-Key Stage Standards' (PKSS) so they continue to follow the EYFS framwork but with specific teacher led specialist approaches. In addition, pupils will access Forest School for a full term to enrich their experiences and enhance cross curriculum links. Communication & language is central to all areas of learning so each pupil has their own personalised curriculum plan to address both social and functional communication skills.
The curriculum subject map can be accessed by clicking the link above. This outlines the full coverage across the pathway with a breakdown view in each half term block. Each subject is sequenced to build on prior learning and nurture the development of the whole child.
We have designed a series of Curriculum Chains to show teaching concepts for subject modules at each level of the assessment framework. An example Chain can be seen below. For more details please contact the school directly.
The Develop Curriculum Pathway bridges both play-based and semi formal learning to provide more time for pupils' development needs to become evident. Many children with special educational needs have spikey progress profiles meaning their destination after reception year is not always apparent. At Wood Bank we pride ourselves on adapting our curriculum offer to meet the needs of each pupil and this pathway encourages them to grow and thrive at their own pace.
Pupils on this pathway are likely to achieve 'Pre-Key Stage Standards' (PKSS) so they continue to follow the EYFS framwork but with specific teacher led specialist approaches. In addition, pupils will access Forest School for a full term to enrich their experiences and enhance cross curriculum links. Communication & language is central to all areas of learning so each pupil has their own personalised curriculum plan to address both social and functional communication skills.
The curriculum subject map can be accessed by clicking the link above. This outlines the full coverage across the pathway with a breakdown view in each half term block. Each subject is sequenced to build on prior learning and nurture the development of the whole child.
We have designed a series of Curriculum Chains to show teaching concepts for subject modules at each level of the assessment framework. An example Chain can be seen below. For more details please contact the school directly.
The Develop Curriculum Pathway bridges both play-based and semi formal learning to provide more time for pupils' development needs to become evident. Many children with special educational needs have spikey progress profiles meaning their destination after reception year is not always apparent. At Wood Bank we pride ourselves on adapting our curriculum offer to meet the needs of each pupil and this pathway encourages them to grow and thrive at their own pace.
Pupils on this pathway are likely to achieve 'Pre-Key Stage Standards' (PKSS) so they continue to follow the EYFS framwork but with specific teacher led specialist approaches. In addition, pupils will access Forest School for a full term to enrich their experiences and enhance cross curriculum links. Communication & language is central to all areas of learning so each pupil has their own personalised curriculum plan to address both social and functional communication skills.
The curriculum subject map can be accessed by clicking the link above. This outlines the full coverage across the pathway with a breakdown view in each half term block. Each subject is sequenced to build on prior learning and nurture the development of the whole child.
We have designed a series of Curriculum Chains to show teaching concepts for subject modules at each level of the assessment framework. An example Chain can be seen below. For more details please contact the school directly.