We have a team of Designated Safeguarding leads within school. This is to ensure that we are able to meet the need of all our pupils and support families through a proactive approach.
DSL - Jenna Port
DSL & Family Engagement Lead - Kym Lockett
DSL & Family Engagement Lead (PT) - Holly Balding
DSL & Family Engagement Lead (PT) - Leah Stafford
Deputy DSL - Nicola Crowther
Deputy DSL - Becki Breslin
At Wood Bank we are committed to the continuous Safeguarding of our children and families and promote the ethos that; Safeguarding is EVERYONE'S responsibility
Please click the link below to see the current guidance
Keeping Children Safe In Education 2023 (KCSIE)
Our policies can be found here
Governor With Responsibility For Safeguarding
Hannah Sugden - Vice-Chair of Governors
How to make a referral
Should you have any Safeguarding concerns about our children or families please speak directly to one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads in the first instance. In the rare event that they are not available, please speak to one of our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads. Contact can be made by either directly visiting the school or phoning the School Office on (01422) 884170. All disclosures are treated in the strictest confidence. During weekends and holidays when school is closed, please make any referrals to:
MAST (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Team) on (01422) 393336
In the event that you have a Safeguarding concern about a member of staff, please contact the Headteacher directly. If you have a Safeguarding concern about the Headteacher, please contact our Chair of Governors, Nick Wigmore, whose contact details are available from the School Office.
Internal Systems
Within our school, our internal system has a range of features and procedures to ensure that Safeguarding is continuously promoted and managed effectively. This includes the following;
1) Calderdale School Safeguarding Advisor
2) Calderdale Local Authority Designated Officer
3) Calderdale Prevent Co-ordinator
3) MAST (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Team)
4) EIP (Early Intervention Panel)
5) DCT (Disabled Children's Team)